To refresh ourselves, we decided to go to Hakone! My husband, Shinya loves hot springs(Onsen), and Hakone is famous for hot springs🙂 It is first time for him to stay in Hakone. For me, it’s been a long time to stay there! It’s only 1.5 hour from Shinjuku station to Hakone Yumoto station by Romance Car(express train). Therefore Hakone is popular short trip destination 😉 Hakone-Yumoto attracts a lot of tourists as a gateway to the Hakone area, but our hotel was in middle of Hakone mountain, so we changed trains at Hankone Yumoto and went up to mountain by Hakone Tozan Train.

Hakone Ropeway
I just wanted to ride the ropeway, so we decided to go to Lake Ashi by the Hakone Ropeway. We were surprised that we could see beautiful Mt.Fuji from the ropeway! And we enjoyed the stunning valley down below.

Owaku Dani
On the way to Lake Ashi by ropeway, we stopped at Owaku dani. The area is volcano area, and we saw sulfurous vent. It was amazing view. We were super lucky to catch the Mount Fuji view from here with clear sky. The day was freezing with the strong winds outside so you need warm clothes if you go to there in winter season!

Lake Ashi (Ashinoko)
It is huge and beautiful blue lake. We got cruise ship(Pirate Ship) from Togendai( final stop of the ropeway) to Moto Hakone. It takes over 30 minutes. We had chance to enjoy the lake view from deck of the ship but it was super windy and cold, so we enjoyed the view from inner space 😉

Hakone shrine
We got off the cruise ship Moto Hakone and walked to Hakone shrine. It was quiet and peaceful place. The famous red Torii gate is located down near the water edge and looked beautiful against the glistening water surface. We wanted to see the Torii gate there, so of course we took pictures under the big gate! It was beautiful.

After going to Hakone shrine, we had lunch at the restaurant. I posted about the restaurant here. It was great!

The Little Prince Museum
After lunch we headed to our hotel, but we found we could go to one more place. Thus we decided to go to The little Prince Museum. Many friends visited the museum when they went to Hakone trip, so the museum is what I’ve been thinking about for a while. We wanted go to there before sunset, but when we arrived at the museum it was dark and we had to rush because there are little time until last bus come. The museum was very pretty. Since it was Christmas season, we could see beautiful lighting Christmas tree and projection mapping!

Dinner& stay at Resorpia Hakone hotel
In Hakone area, there are many many many hotels and I could not decide it easily. Thus I decided the hotel because my friend works there 😉 Dinner at Resorpia Hakone was one of the highlight of this Hakone trip. The chef cooked all dishes in front of us and nobody was there except the chef and us! They were tasty grilled dishes and sooo great! Besides the special dinner, we enjoyed hot springs(Onsen) and comfy bed <3

I hope you enjoy pictures below🙂




ロープウェイで桃源台に着き、ここから海賊船に乗りました。芦ノ湖の自然に囲まれた景色が私はなんか好きです^^ 最初は展望デッキにいたものの、やっぱり寒くて耐えられず中から外の景色を楽しみました(^_^;)海賊船で桃源台から箱根神社がある元箱根まで40分ほど。意外と長い時間海賊船を楽しめます^^芦ノ湖の周りは芦ノ湖の景色を見渡せるようなオシャレなレストランや建物などがちょこちょこ目に付いて、時間をかけて色んなところに行ってみたいななんて思いも湧き上がりました。でも箱根湯本から芦ノ湖(特に元箱根の方)まで来るのも結構遠いのでなかなか来られないのが残念(´・ω・`)

元箱根で海賊船を降り、箱根神社の入り口までは歩いて10分弱かかりました。箱根には何度か来たことはありましたが、箱根神社に来るのは初めてでした。結構遠いので車なしで日帰りで東京からこの神社まで来るのは割とタイトなスケジュールになるかもしれません。入り口の鳥居を通り、杉の木がおいしげる中へ進んでいきます。パワースポットとしても有名な神社。山の中だけに、心が清められるように感じます。有名な水辺にある鳥居でも写真を撮りました^^ 初めて来たけど来てみてよかったです。



ディナー & 宿泊 in リゾーピア箱根
箱根の宿やホテルはたーーくさんあるので、正直選びきれませんでした(笑)なので友達が働いているホテルに泊まることにしました^^♪ リゾーピア箱根での鉄板焼きディナーは今回の箱根旅行で特にお気に入りポイントでした。シェフと私たちだけの貸切で、目の前で料理を一品一品作ってもらうのはリラックスできるし、料理も1つ1つこだわりなどを説明聞きながら頂くのはとても贅沢な時間でした。お肉はもちろん、お野菜やスープもおいしかったです♡ ディナー以外にも、もちろん温泉や部屋でのゆっくりした時間を楽しみました。

↓Rope way (ロープウェイ)

↓Owaku Dani (大涌谷)

↓Lake Ashi (芦ノ湖)

↓Hakone Shrine(箱根神社)


↓The Little Prince Museum(星の王子さまミュージアム)





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