Shinjuku is very loud city in Tokyo, and there are bunch of restaurants and shops. In one of them, Robot restaurant is there. The Robot restaurant is famous, so of course we knew it. But we had not been to there even though we live in Shinjuku. In this weekend, typhoon came to Japan and it was raining all day. Thus we decided to go to the Robot restaurant because we didn’t want to go far away 😉

First of all, the Robot restaurant is not a restaurant actually. It is the place to enjoy shows. We didn’t know Robot restaurant in detail, so we were surprised at the craziness of the show. The show is so loud and garish! (we were also surprised that there were little Japanese people. ) The act show has about 15 minute intermissions in between acts for selling drinks and snacks which are bit overpriced. Thus I recommend eating or buying something before the show begins. The place is very bright and the show was really crazy. I think there is no place like this, so it is good to enjoy the show once. 😉 PS. you should come early since the bar (waiting room) is amazing!


存在は前から知っていたものの行ったことがなかったロボットレストラン。台風が来ていて1日中雨なので遠出もしたくない・・ということで割と家から近場にあるこちらへ行ってきました。まず、ロボットレストランというネーミングが誤解を生みますが、レストランではありません(笑)ここはショーを楽しむ場所。私たちは飲食を何もしませんでした。。笑 ショーのクレイジーさにもびっくりさせられましたが、95%が外国人で、ショーがほぼ英語でことがすすんでいく環境にも日本人として驚きました。ショーも派手だし、周りは外国人ばかりだし、ショーを見ている間はここが日本だということを忘れかけます(笑)少し入場料は高いものの、ショーは楽しかったです♡ 行ったことない人は1度行ってみると楽しめる場所かなと思いました♪また、ロボットレストランに行く際は、ショーが始まる30分以上前に行って、待合室を楽しむのもおすすめです。このお部屋もすっごく派手で他にはない場所で楽しめます^^

↓ You can buy tickets here(there is in front of robot restaurant)

↓ go into Robot restaurant

↓ It is waiting room. ( You can wait here until the show begins)

↓ Crazy shows

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More from Kyoko

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