Moved to Rothenburg ob der Tauber from Wurzburg. Rothenburg was one of the high lights of our Germany trip. The medieval walled city is beautiful, charming, and filled with lots of history. Rothenburg is well known for its well-preserved and Medieval Old Town. You really felt like you were transported back to another era.
ヴュルツブルクからローテンブルクへ。 ローテンブルク はドイツらしい中世の雰囲気が残る街。13世紀に商業で繁栄した後、一度衰退し忘れさられたそう。しかしそのおかげで、ローテンブルクには中世の姿が完璧なほど残りました。可愛い建物が立ち並び、おとぎ話の世界に来たような気分に浸れる場所で、また来たいと思う街でした。

First of all, we headed to Market square that is hart of Rothenburg. Town Hall Tower is there, and I recommend to climb it! It it bit hard to climb it, but the view from the top of the Town Hall is amazing. It was definitely worth it!
まずは、ローテンブルクの街を歩いてひたすら楽しむことに。まずは ローテンブルク旧市街の真ん中にあるマルクト広場へ。こちらの市庁舎の展望台からの景色はおすすめです。なかなか上るのが大変なのでご用心を(笑)ですが、見える景色は絶景です。ローテンブルクの街を上から一望できます。

There are many toy stores near Market square . All stores are colorful and cute. I felt I steped into a fairytale,

This is Plonlein that is the most famous photography spot in Rothenburg. We took this picture in the early morning because there are usually many tourists there.

Getting out Burg Gate that is west of this town, went to the garden. In late October, colored leavers were beautiful. From the garden, you can realize
Rothenburg is walled city.

Next, we headed to Röder Tower & Gate that is opposite of Burg Gate. We couldn’t climb the tower because it was closed, but we enjoyed walking the wall. The views from the wall were amazing looking both outside of the city and in the quaint old town.

We also went to famous Medieval Crime Museum. It was interesting to see the collection of medieval implements of torture and shame. There were displays of torture devices and exhibits describing medieval law. I am glad I was not born there in medieval times.

There were many shops sell Christmas ornaments. We enjoyed to see them and but them. There were also bunch of German souvenirs.

Tried Schneeball that is Popular in Rothenburg. Schneeball means snowball. That is kind of sweets and a pastry made from shortcrust pastry. The appearance is so cute. There are many tastes like just suger, cinnamon and chocolate etc.

Had dinner at the restaurant “zum schwan” They had German food and good service.
夕食はプレーンラインの近くにある”zum schwan”というレストランでいただきました。ドイツ料理を頂くことができます。こちらも日本語メニューがございました。

Last but not least, the street signs in Rothenburg are amazing. These expressive signs were meant to serves as symbols for either the name of the house or as a representation of the type of business because in Medieval times most people couldn’t read.
If you want to feel like you are in the Middle Ages, Rothenburg is definitely must visit place ! Everywhere, everything is beautiful in this town. I love Rothenburg
ローテンベルグで泊ったホテルはRomantik Hotel Markusturm(ロマンティック ホテル マルクシュトゥルム)。今回のドイツ旅行で1番お気に入りのホテルです。城壁の中にあるホテルで、 1264年に建てられた当時の古い壁が残っています。アンティーク調でとっても可愛いです。お部屋も広く、アンティークな家具でそろっておりました。でもトイレやバスルームは新しくリノベーションされておりとても快適でした。また、こちらのホテルは食事がおいしいことでも有名です。頂いた朝食もとても美味しかったです。パンは手作りとのことでした。