Near our apartment, beautiful roses were blooming🌹When I saw these roses, I just wanted to take some pictures with many roses. Thus I stated to search roses places near Tokyo, and I found Keisei Rose Garden! Keisei rose garden is in Chiba prefecture. It takes an hour from Tokyo station to Yachiyo midorigaoka station by train and 5 minutes by bus or taxi from the station to Keisei rose garden. In full bloom season, the garden open 6 am on weekend! It is so early but I think it is good chance to take pictures with no crowds. Even though we got on the first train, we arrived at this garden about 7 am.

This garden is amazing! Sooo many colorful beautiful roses were blooming. I heard there are 1600 types of roses. I had never seen such a beautiful rose garden before. I loved rose tunnels which were very cute. Of course red and pink roses are beautiful, but I loved especially yellow ones ( because they are little rare? haha) I wanted to take pictures with yellow dresses too! Maybe it is next years’ chance😉. Anyway, Keisei Rose garden was beautiful place! I was happy to visit there.



こちらのバラ園は、実際に見てみると思っていたよりもすばらしかったです。こんな広くて満開のバラが咲き乱れている薔薇園は初めてでした。1600種類ものばらが咲いているということで、色も形も本当にさまざま。いくつかあるバラのトンネルがやっぱりかわいくてお気に入りでした。そして赤やピンクのバラももちろんきれいなのですが、少し珍しいせいか黄色のバラにとても心を持っていかれました・・♡笑 黄色の洋服でも写真撮りたかったな~なんて心残りも少しありますが、来年またチャレンジということで(*•̀ㅂ•́)و笑 とにかく、京成バラ園はお花が好きな方は特にぜひ行って欲しいと思うスポットでした。


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