It’s time to share about our China & Taiwan trip. In this time, we went to Beijing → Shanghai → Taiwan in a week. So I am going to sharing about Beijing at first! It was first time for us to go to Beijing.

〇The Great Wall of China(万里の長城)
There are some entrances of the Great Wall of China. Badaling (八达岭) is most famous place for sightseeing, but it is very busy.. You can check on Google how busy it is. I would like to take some pictures so I chose Jinshanling (金山岭) in stead of Badalin. In Jinshanling Great Wall, we didn’t meet people so much. We just met several people. It was great for seeing with our own pace. It takes about 2 hours to Jinshanling from Beijing, but I am highly recommend there! The Great Wall is one of the place I wanted to visit! So I am happy I can finally go there!
PS: Do you know how long is it? I was surprised that I found it’s over 20000km! It’s 3000km from Hokkaido to Okinawa(north to south in Japan), so it about 10 times longer than Japan😱 I am just wonder how they build it..
万里の長城にはいくか入り口があります。八達嶺長城(はったつれいちょうじょう)が北京市内から近くて1番人気だと思いますが、グーグルなどで写真を見てもらえれば分かる通りすごい混雑です・・。なので私たちは金山嶺長城へ行ってきました。なんとこちらでは数人にしか人に人に会いませんでした。北京市内から車で2時間ほどかかる少し遠めのところですが、万里の長城を楽しむには 金山嶺長城がおすすめです。一度は行ってみたいと思っていた万里の長城に行けて嬉しかった♡
PS:ところで万里の長城がどのくらい長いか知っていますか?なんと2万キロにも及ぶとか。北海道から沖縄が約3千キロなので、どれだけ長いのことか・・。どうやってこんな長いものを作ったのか不思議でなりません 😱

〇Summer palace (頤和園)
I could not believe how huge this palace is! It is said that it takes 6 hours to see all this place. Summer palace is actually not just palace and it is including garden, small town, historical architecture and temples etc. There is a lake in the center of this palace and it makes beautiful scenery. And architecture is colorful and very beautiful. Tower of Buddhist Incense is one of the symbol in Summer palace, and I think it is must go place when you go to Summer palace. Be careful it is little hard to climb to top of the Tower of Buddhist Incense, but you can see amazing view from the top after climbing up stairs. Summer palace is absolutely nice place to stroll.When you go to Beijing, I recommend you to go Summer palace!
頤和園(いわえん)でまず驚いたのはその広大さ!全部回ると6時間もかかるとか。頤和園は宮殿だけではなく、お庭、お寺、小さな街までこの敷地にあります。そして真ん中には大きな湖もあり、その湖が景色を一段と美しく魅せてくれます。長廊や建物はとても鮮やかな色でデザインされていて美しいです。また仏香閣(ぶっこうかく)が頤和園のシンボルの一つでもありますが、 頤和園に行ったらここはやはり見ておくべきスポットだと思います。階段を上ったところにそびえ建っているので正直上がるのは少々大変です(笑)ですが、そこから見る頤和園の景色は圧巻です!頤和園は北京に訪れる際はぜひ行かれてみることをお勧めします。

〇Wangfujing ( 王府井)
It is one of the most famous shopping streets of Beijing. There are many department stores and shops and you can enjoy shopping here! Especially Wangfujing snack street that is side street of Wangfujing is interesting. At this side street, we saw grilled scorpions and they are moving 😱lol But of course there are good food too. We enjoyed atmosphere there.

We spend 2 days in Beijing, and move to Shanghai by high speed train. It takes 4.5 hours and the duration is not so different from airplane. We booked the train in advance in Japan, and we went to ticket counter in Bijing south station. But that didn’t go as I had hoped because I mistyped my passport number😰I had to cancal and book again, and only first class seat was left… Of course it is little expensive. But first class car is sooo comfortable. Lunch, snackes, water, blanket, slippers are provided. Not only that I was surprised that the leather seats are 180-degree reclinable which makes passenger can sit, sleep or choose whatever position during the rail journey. In first class car, it is very quiet, spicious and clean. Thank you for the first class seat, 4.5 hours is not time to patient for me.
北京で2日間を過ごし、上海へ高速電車で移動しました。電車によりますが4時間半~5時間かかります。乗る前の時間などを考慮すると所要時間は飛行機とさほど変わらず安く済むので電車がおすすめです。日本でネットで事前に予約し、いざ北京南駅でチケットを受け取ろうとしたら緊急事態が!私の分のチケットだけパスポート番号をミス入力していて、一度キャンセルして再度取り直すことに。。そうしたらなんと取れるチケットが一等車しかなく、お金はかかるけれど私だけ一等車に乗ることに・・。けれど一等車に乗ってみたらびっくり。昼食、お菓子、水、毛布、スリッパは用意されるし、なんとイスが180度もリクライニングになるのでベットのようにして寝れる仕様。一等車は静かだし、広いし、きれいだし、 快適すぎました♡

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