We went to Hokkaido in bottom of July. In that season, flowers are so beautiful there. It’s been a while since I’ve gone to Hokkaido during summer!
◯Tomita Farm( ファーム富田 )
Farm Tomita is the one of tke most popular lavender viewing spots in Hokkaido. I had always wanted to go to this place and I’m glad I was finally here✨Farm Tomita is the one of tke most popular lavender viewing spots in Hokkaido. I had always wanted to go to this place and I’m glad I was finally here!
富良野の美しいラベンダー畑。 ファーム富田にはラベンダー畑をはじめ、たくさんのお花畑があります。一面に広がるラベンダーは思っていた通りきれいでした。写真だとラベンダー畑に入っているように見えますが、畑と畑にある小道に立って撮影しております。朝早い時間は人が少なくてオススメです😊昔からずっと行ってみたいと思っていたところに来れて嬉しいです。

◯Shikisai no oka(四季彩の丘)
The panoramic flower gardens of Shikisai-no-oka provide spectacular views✨Shikisai no Oka simply means the Hills of Seasonal Colors. This park consists of beautiful rolling hills, seasonal flowers, rainbow fields etc. If you are in Furano to see its beautiful flower fields in summer then you must visit this flower garden! It is a paradise of seasonal blossoms from spring through to fall. I think especially summer is great season for this place. We rented a cart and drove around the fields. It was so fun!

◯Hill of the Buddha( 真駒内滝野霊園)
It’s a kind of new attraction in Sapporo. This is designed by Pritzker- winner, architect Tadao Ando, and the design of this place is unique and very beautiful. Actually it is at site of cemetery. But this place is a wide open space and you can go inside. Not only the Buddha, there are also
Moai and Stonehenge etc. 札幌の真駒内滝野霊園にある頭大仏。総面積約54万坪の広大な土地の一画にある大仏様です。しかも、あの有名な建築家 安藤忠雄さんが設計されたので、デザインがユニークでとても美しい✨大仏だけではなく、モアイ像やストーンヘンジまであります(笑)札幌のおすすめスポットです。

◯Sunflower Fields in Hokuryu( 北竜町のひまわり畑)
There are 1.5 Million Sunflowers during Sunflower Festival. You can also enjoy the sunflower maze here! 北海道の北竜町にあるひまわり畑🌻こんなに広大なひまわり畑を見たのは初めてでした。約150万本ものひまわりが咲いているそうです。ここではひまわりでできた迷路も楽しめます💛

◯Blue Pond(青い池)
Blue pond (“Aoi ike” in Japanese) in Biei, Hokkaido. The blue color comes from the aluminum in the water from the nearby hot springs which reflects the color of the blue sky. This place is crowded with people. You can enjoy walking a path on the pond’s side and taking some pictures from there!