As I posted about Hoshino resort Tomamu and Ice village, We went to Hokkaido last month.(Ohhh! It is tooo late to post! )Today, I will share about Sapporo and Otaru. Sapporo is center of Hokkaido and there is a big airport in this city. Quick review 😉

●Sapporo Fushimi Inari shrine
I just wanted to see the row of Torii gates in winter because the combination of red and white color is beautiful isn’t it? It was smaller than Kyoto’s one but I liked it! It is not good access from station. so we went to there by taxi from our hotel

●Shiroi Koibito park
Shiroi Koibito (means white lover haha ) is very famous sweets in Hokkaido. At first, I didn’t have plan to go the park because I felt it was very touristy. But I found the pictures of the park and it was cute! Thus we decided to go there. In Shiroi Koibito park, Many family and children were there, and yes! it is good for children( for adult too!). There were many small houses to enter( too small for adults) in their garden. The park was really pretty.

Otaru is small harbor city in Hokkaido and famous for cannel. It takes about 30 minuets from Sapporo by trains. (We went to Otaru by bus from Shirono Koibito park. It is better way to go to Otaru from Shirono Koibito park) It was colder than Sapporo but we enjoyed the atmosphere here. Especially I liked Otaru orgel Doh. I have never seen such as a lot of beautiful music boxes before. I took many music boxes in my hand☺ Besides orgel Doh, there are many stores and restaurants! (many sweets shops too♡)

Susukino is full of shops, restaurants, and entertainment.The night bright color is popular.We had a dinner Sushi in “Saikaku”. A Bunch of restaurants are in Susukino, so We could not choose it easily.

●Sapporo TV tower
I think the appearance of Sapporo TV tower is similar to Tokyo tower:) We went up to the tower to see night view from the observatory. It was small but it was good to see Sapporo view.


星野リゾートとアイスビレッジについて記事は書いたけれど、札幌や小樽について記事にしていなかったので今更ながら更新します (○・v・)ノ (更新遅すぎる~泣)

この神社の千本鳥居と雪のコンビネーションが見たくて、この神社に行ってきました^^ 真っ白な雪にたくさんの赤い鳥居・・・実際に見てみるとやっぱりきれいでした。小さな神社ですし、アクセスも良くなくホテルからタクシーで行きましたが、行ってみてよかったです。

最初はいかにも観光客しかいかないような場所だと思い、行く場所の候補にはしておりませんでしたが、白い恋人パークの写真を見たら外見とお庭がかわいい・・・ということが分かり予定を変更して行くことに(笑)実際行ってみても建物のつくりも雰囲気もとてもかわいいかったです。家族連れと子供がたくさんいて、たしかに子供が楽しく遊べるような場所がたくさんありました。子供しか入れないような大きさの小さなおうちがたくさん作られていて、その家の中にベッドやキッチンがあり見ていてかわいかったです^^ おいしいアイスも食べられて満足♪





Sapporo Fushimi Inari shrine(札幌伏見稲荷神社)


Shiroi Koibito park(白い恋人パーク)



↓Iloved the series of music boxes




Sapporo TV tower







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